If you're viewing this page, chances are you're currently experiencing problems with your identd connecting to DALnet servers. This is usually shown by a ~ in front of your user name. If you have NEVER been able to get identd working, then this page is not about you. If however, identd has worked for you in the past and it is just recent, read on.

Usually, you'll see something like this while connecting:

-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Checking Ident
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Found your hostname
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** No Ident response
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Notice -- It seems that you don't have identd installed on your host.
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Notice -- If you wish to have your username show up without the ~ (tilde),
-tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net- *** Notice -- then install identd.

This is NOT your fault. It is caused by overloaded servers. There is some speculation that it also is partly due to the upgraded ircd in use, as the problems seemed to start roughly the same time, so a combination of load and new code. This is NOT official, but just speculation.

For some people, this is a VERY serious problem, as many domains are autokilled if you don't have identd installed. You may see something similar to this:
* You were killed by stats.dal.net (stats.dal.net (User has been banned from DALnet ([exp/identd] Due to constant abuse from this site, users are now required to install identd on their computers. Send email to exploits@dal.net with [exp/ident] as the subject for more information.) [AKILL ID:1020818607K-h]))
Closing Link: ***.***.va.comcast.net ToidyMan (Killed (stats.dal.net (User has been banned from DALnet ([exp/identd] Due to constant abuse from this site, users are now required to install identd on their computers. Send email to exploits@dal.net with [exp/ident] as the subject for more information.) [AKILL ID:1020818607K-h])))

In the mean time, there are a couple things you can do. First (and easiest) is to find a server that isn't as loaded. twisted.dal.net is currently pretty much out of the picture if this is a problem for you, as it is consistently one of the most loaded servers on DALnet. The following is a copy of the /LINKS for DALnet:

tiscali.uk.eu.dal.net (0) Tiscali UK Server
matrix.de.eu.dal.net (6) www.arcor.de - Arcor Online Services
ced.se.eu.dal.net (7) Assimilating the world.
powertech.no.eu.dal.net (7) PowerTech DALnet Server, Oslo, Norway
twisted.ma.us.dal.net (3) Global NAPs - Quincy, MA
liberty.nj.us.dal.net (4) What you seem to be, be really.
dingo.vic.au.dal.net (3) A dingo ate my... operators!
jade.va.us.dal.net (3) Touch not, lest ye be touched.
acool-e.ga.us.dal.net (3) A-Cool IRC Server - www.acool.net
mesra.kl.my.dal.net (3) Jaring DALnet Client Server

The second option is to simply keep retrying to connect. This can take some time. Also, be careful to not disconnect and reconnect too rapidly. If you do, you may get "throttled" (this means you may be prevented from connecting for a short time because the server thinks you're trying to flood it.)

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in #mIRC on DALnet (if you can connect)